Treating Dyslexia with Music:
An Intervention that is Loads of Fun

If you have been thinking of taking up an instrument then now is a good time to start. Treating dyslexia with music is primarily based on rhythm development (see bottom of page for evidence).

It seems some dyslexic people have difficulty with rhythm. This idea may be linked to The Temporal Theoryas rhythm is all about attention to timing. Playing an instrument involves coordination of the left and right side of the body which may also link it to The Hemispheric Balance Theory.

What to do? Simple

Well this is going to be a short section as there’s nothing complicated to explain. Basically my simple advice is learn how to play a musical instrument. The drums are best as they are all about rhythm and timing development. They also help coordination as you use both hands and feet simultaneously.

My Recommendation

  • Cheap alternative: buy an inexpensive bongo drum. Play along to music you enjoy. The main point is to be developing better rhythm, timing and coordination.

  • Even if you don’t want to spend money on a bongo, you might as well, have a go at drumming along to music using just your hands on a table. Don’t do it too hard you don’t want to hurt yourself.


My final note on this is if you use this intervention make sure you enjoy it. Don’t make it a chore because you will probably end up avoiding it.

This treatment method can be as fun as you like. Learning an instrument is a great opportunity to get more enjoyment out of music.

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Evidence for Music as a Treatment:

Dyslexia, Temporal Processing and Music: The Potential of Music as an Early Learning Aid for Dyslexic Children. .

Dyslexia and music. From timing deficits to musical intervention. 

Language-universal sensory deficits in developmental dyslexia: English, Spanish, and Chinese. 

Influence of musical expertise and musical training on pitch processing in music and language. 

Rhythmic processing in children with developmental dyslexia: auditory and motor rhythms link to reading and spelling.

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